Monday, September 9, 2019

Speaking Part 2 Topics Sep-Dec 2019

Speaking Part 2 Topics Sept-Dec 2019

You will have 1 min to prepare your talk when the examiner gives you the cue card, a pen and paper. The examiner will tell you when to start speaking. You should aim to speak for 2 mins. There are NO questions on the cue card, just prompts to help you build your talk. Always add more - detail, description, memories, hopes, opinions etc.

1. a celebration of an achievement

2. something you borrowed from someone

3. a recent conversation

4. a public building you would like to visit

5. a school you went to as a child

6. an indoor activity or game

7. a place to read and write (not your

8. a souvenir

9. a memorable advertisement

10. a visit to a park

11. a time you were with people and bored

12. someone who travels by plane for work

13. the most recent conversation you enjoyed

14. a time you looked at the sky (day or night)

15. a movie you recently saw

16. an indoor game

17. a time you were tired but had to wake up

18. your favourite item of clothing

19. learning a new language

20. a happy day you would like to have a

21. a friend you are proud of

22. a leisure activity you enjoyed with your family

23. a happy moment you remember

24. a person who encouraged you to achieve vow 2015

25. When you gave advice to someone

26. something useful you borrowed

27. a famous personality outside your country

28. a famous product from your local region

29. a time you were given the wrong information

30. a time when you lost something

31, a place where you used to play then you were a child

32. time you heard a stranger talking on the phone

33. someone who spends their free time helping others

34. a person you know who has new or interesting ideas

35. a colourful event

(Prepare to talk about the meaning and significance of different colours. Also, think of possible questions related to the significance of some particular colours in your country/history)